Optimizing for a target ACoS can hurt sales.
Have you ever lowered bids on a keyword just because the AC0S was too high?
Only to go into the account the next day and find the average ACoS hasn't gone down, and in fact has gotten worse?
Why is that?
When I first started out I made this mistake, so I speak from experience here.
The thing is, keywords with a higher ACoS are often driving a ton of sales.
Lower the Bid > Lower the Impressions > Lower the Sales
If you just focus on hitting certain metric targets without considering total sales impact, you could end up losing a lot of revenue.
Always consider the sales each keyword is generating.
A keyword with a 50% ACoS might seem bad, but if it's responsible for a huge portion of your sales, lowering that bid will tank your numbers.
The key is looking at the full picture.
Those "bad" metrics could actually be really valuable parts of your campaign.
What factors do you take into account when adjusting bids?
#Amazonadvertising #Amazon #PPC