Choosing the right Amazon agency. Check relevant case studies, ensure they prioritize ads, and meet your account manager. Thanks, Joshua.
Joshua Rawe
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Hiring an Amazon agency can be nerve-wracking.
The wrong partnership can cost you 5-figures or more.
To avoid hiring the wrong agency, here is what you should look for 👇
⭐ Do they have case studies?
The case studies will show you their best results, not the average, so ignore the result. Instead, ask for a case study that shows a client in the same position as you. Make sure that process could work with your brand.
⭐ Do they ask for your advertising budget?
Amazon is "pay to play". Over 80% of above-the-fold content is advertising, sometimes 100%. You need an ad budget to become a category or sub-category leader. Don’t mess with agencies that don’t have a plan to utilize advertising for your success.
⭐ Do you get to meet your account manager?
You should always meet your account manager before starting. This is the person you’ll be spending the bulk of your time working with. You need to ensure a) they communicate clearly b) have the experience c) you like them!
Look for those factors when hiring and you'll have better luck finding the right partner!